Quick Tip: We Are Unlimited Beings and We Have ALL of the Chart! 

by Evelyn Levenson

When we learn about ourselves through Human Design, it’s easy to think in terms of “I have this in my chart” and “I don’t have that in my chart.” I am this Profile and not these others. I am this Type and not the other Types.

But the truth is… we all experience ALL of the chart!

Yes, all of it. Whether it’s “Defined” (colored in) in our chart or not.

If it’s Defined in our chart, we experience that Gate energy or Center energy (or Profile or Type) directly and consistently.

If it’s Undefined (white) in our chart, we experience it through others and inconsistently—by taking in their experience and expression of that energy and amplifying it.

So we really do get to experience all of it.

The Open Gates and Centers are where we can develop great wisdom — because we have such a wide range of exposure there. We get to experience the full range of human expression in whatever energies we have that are Undefined. Wow.

Where we are Defined is where we are consistent and reliable. These are our strengths. This is your Authentic Self — the truth of Who You Are. This is what feels good to align with for making decisions and taking action. This is what you want to leverage in your life.

Just remember that there is more to you than just your Defined Self. You are a microcosm of the whole of humanity and truly unlimited!


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