Quick Tip: Embrace Your Emotional Wave 

by Evelyn Levenson

If you are emotionally defined (the large triangle—the Emotional Solar Plexus Center—on lower right of your chart is tan/brown), recognizing and embracing your emotional wave is THE most powerful thing you can do for yourself and your relationships.

If you’re emotionally defined, you have an emotional wave –> sometimes you’re UP emotionally, and sometimes you’re DOWN. There are several different kinds of waves: some are small ups and downs, some are dramatic high “highs” and low “lows.” If you have small ones, you may not always feel them but if you have the big ones, you’ll know it!

The channels that define your Solar Plexus determine the kind of wave (or waves) you have. Your wave would be explained fully to you in a private Reading.

ADVICE: When you are low on your emotional wave, which may feel like low energy or even melancholy, there is nothing wrong with you and you don’t need “fixing.” It’s a normal part of your emotional cycle. It can be a great time for contemplation, introspection, and integration. It can even be a time of heightened creativity. So welcome your wave—your whole wave… even the low parts!


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