A RADICAL Approach to New Years Resolutions 

by Evelyn Levenson

Did you set resolutions for yourself on January 1? If so, how are they going?  We’re a little over two weeks into the New Year and, if you’re like many people, you may already be struggling.

Let’s face it, most of us are not good at keeping New Year’s Resolutions for very long. Or sometimes, even keeping simple promises.

And for the most part, it’s actually not our fault!

If you haven’t read my article about the Will Center (which governs Will Power energy), you can read it here on my blog.

A full 87.5% of the human population has an Open Will Center, which means all of those people (which most likely includes you or someone you love) do NOT have inherent Will Power. (Keep reading to see if this is you.)

It can be hard for those of us with Open Wills to stick with things ….

So, What To Do?

How can YOU move forward with positive momentum this year, and arrive at the end of this year feeling accomplished and satisfied?

Here are some RADICAL suggestions for Do’s and Don’ts.

DON’T Set New Year’s Resolutions

Usually they just make us miserable and ultimately do more to undermine our self-confidence than they do to move us forward.

However, if you DO have a Defined Will Center (the small triangle near the center of your Human Design chart is RED), then set all the resolutions you want (although even you may have trouble sticking with those you are not truly committed to).

But if that small triangle in your chart is WHITE, why torture yourself? You don’t have consistent Will Power energy to keep you on track. And most of us are not motivated by negative reinforcement anyway (at least, not sustainably motivated).

So if you didn’t set any, good for you. If you did and you’re struggling, give them up!

Why? Because resolutions are inherently negative.

Most of the time, resolutions are designed to FIX something we don’t like or want to change about ourselves. This implies there is something wrong with us, so we start out at a serious disadvantage in the first place.

On January 1, I read an article in my local paper quoting brief interviews with New Year’s revelers on Main Street the night before. When one lady was asked if she had a New Year’s resolution, she replied, “I don’t need one, I’m perfect.”

I actually love that response! If we all started from there, we could simply choose one or two things we would like more of in the coming year, like “better health, a slimmer body, more energy, a clean, organized garage.”

This positive ‘carrot’ approach is far more sustainable (even with no Will Power) than the negative ‘stick’ approach of “lose 25 pounds, quit smoking, get off the couch, get rid of the junk.”

DO Focus on BEING and Setting Intentions

One very effective positive approach is to focus on whom you would need to BE in order to do or have what you want.

Another approach is setting an intention rather than a specific and measurable goal. This can give you the wiggle room you need in order to make and learn from the necessary mistakes that are part of the process of figuring out what works for you.

For a full explanation of both of these approaches, see this blog post:

DO Create a THEME for the Coming Year

My experiment for this year (a natural thing for me to do as a “1/3 Profile,” which means I’m investigative and experimental!) is to set a personal Theme.

Like intentions and “being,” a theme takes away the rigid parameters of goals and our failures to meet them.

A theme gives positive direction and underlying intention, while allowing for many paths to fulfill that Theme. There isn’t even a particular end state to reach, as there is with “being” and, to some extent, intentions. A theme is simply ongoing.

Here’s the truly “radical” piece of this article:  my Theme for this year is RADICAL SELF-LOVE.

Sometimes to achieve balance, the opposite extreme of something must be implemented for a while—not as a “fix” but as an evolution…in order to move forward.

To my delight, I’m finding small and lovely ways to implement and support this theme in my life. And I’m planning some bigger ways later in the year… all without the pressure of doing it a certain way by a certain time.

I love the freedom this gives me to create, to breathe, to explore, to discover, to balance.

Here’s to freedom! 
Please let me know what YOUR theme is for this year, in the comments section below. I would love to hear from you.


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  1. January 23rd Chinese New Year is the Year of the Water Dragon…every 60 years a new batch of Water Dragons comes aboard…Me 1952 Water Dragon….those born in this auspicious year will be powerful and ambitious, water is synonymous with money, those lucky dragon babies are expected to garner wealth as they rise to power, not every dragon baby will be successful. So to celebrate my life, and the year of the water dragon my theme “Limitless Possibilities”

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