Quick Spotlight — Pre-Paving Smoothes the Way 

by Evelyn Levenson

A client who is a 3/5 Projector described needing to have a conversation with her husband on a highly sensitive and often explosive issue for them.

I suggested she do some “pre-paving” to improve the chances of it going well.

1.  She set her own clear intentions for not only the outcome but also how she wanted the conversation to feel to both of them while it was happening.

2.  She let her husband know in advance that she wanted to have that conversation and they agreed on the best time to have it.

He was now mentally prepared for that conversation… rather than have it “sprung” on him as she had sometimes done in the past. He had also had some say in when it would occur, so he felt included.

When the time came, she waited and let him bring it up—which he did. It’s very correct for a Projector to let the other person speak first and initiate the conversation.

She reported to me with great excitement that it was the best conversation they had ever had on that subject.

[I acknowledge the Abraham work for the concept of “pre-paving.” www.abraham-hicks.com]

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